Unsere Grüne Glasfaser strengthens fibre optic expansion in rural areas with the acquisition of Infrafibre Germany

21. Oktober 2024

Ismaning / Unterschleissheim, 10/21/2024: Unsere Grüne Glasfaser (UGG) and Infrafibre Germany GmbH (IFG) announced an agreement today in which UGG will acquire IFG, including IFG’s two Internet Service Providers, LEONET and Breitbandversorgung Deutschland (BBV) as well as Infrafibre Networks (IFN). This will strengthen the position of UGG as a provider of fibre optic infrastructure and accelerate the planned expansion of 2.2 million households with modern fibre optic technology.

UGG, a joint venture between Allianz and Telefónica Group, and IFG share the vision of expanding underserved rural areas with fast internet and modern fibre infrastructure. All current UGG, LEONET and BBV projects, as well as those already signed with the municipalities in the coming years, are to be expanded as planned. At a later stage, new projects will be executed jointly. The acquisition underlines the confidence of UGG’s investors Allianz and Telefónica Group in UGG’s business model and in rolling out fibre infrastructure throughout selected rural areas in Germany.

Completion of the transaction is subject to approval by the relevant regulatory authorities and is expected at the end of 2024. In the meantime, both entities will be managed independently.

Additional performance in expansion, more offerings for end customers

UGG and IFG are overall active in eight federal states. Over one million households are currently under construction by both companies, or have already been deployed.

The acquisition of IFG by UGG creates one of the largest and most efficient fibre optic infrastructure providers in Germany. Municipalities, citizens and partners can thus benefit from the combined expertise and performance in fibre optic expansion of both companies.

Ongoing focus on an open network, larger choice for end customers

UGG will continue to provide neutral open access for cooperating Internet Service Providers (ISPs) across its fibre optic network. With the acquisition of IFG, UGG is gaining new ISPs for its fibre optic network. In areas previously operated by LEONET and BBV, UGG’s open access network will provide end customers with additional offers in the future.

A fitting philosophy

‘Considering the high demand for digital infrastructures, it is important to efficiently bundle and deploy capacities for fibre optic expansion’, comments Jens Prautzsch, CEO at UGG. ‘We therefore see the planned acquisition of Infrafibre as an important and right step towards achieving our goal of supplying 2.2 million households in Germany with modern fibre optics faster. Together, we will make a more important contribution to achieving the German government’s gigabit targets.’

‘Especially rural regions urgently need modern IT infrastructures for digital participation and economic development, and there is practically no way around fibre optic technology,’ says Jürgen Hansjosten, CEO of Infrafibre, with conviction. ‘This philosophy makes us a perfect fit with UGG. We look forward to continuing this important task under the umbrella of UGG, supported by its financially strong and long-term investors.’

About Unsere Grüne Glasfaser

Unsere Grüne Glasfaser (UGG) is a joint venture between Allianz and Telefónica founded in 2020. The company lays modern fibre optic networks and makes them openly available to all cooperating internet service providers (open access). The fibre optic lines are laid directly to every home, known as fibre-to-the-home (FTTH). In addition, Unsere Grüne Glasfaser also offers special services and solutions for residential buildings and housing associations.

About Infrafibre

Infrafibre Germany GmbH invests primarily in the expansion of fibre optic networks in rural areas and, in addition to Infrafibre Networks (IFN), in which the construction and technology units are bundled, is now also bringing fibre optic end customer services to the new company with LEONET and Breitbandversorgung Deutschland (BBV). LEONET is driving the expansion of fibre optics in Bavaria. With more than 4,000 km of fibre optic network, the company has one of the largest fibre optic networks in Bavaria. BBV, based in Dreieich in the Rhine-Main region, is concentrating on its own commercial, subsidy-free fibre optic expansion in more rural regions in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia. Both companies provide innovative internet services at gigabit speeds as well as telephony and TV services.

Press contact:

Unsere Grüne Glasfaser M: communications@ugg.tech

Infrafibre Germany M: Unternehmenskommunikation@infrafibre.de

Comms agency

WE Communications WE-UGG@we-worldwide.com


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