UGG – who we are
We provide access to high-speed internet throughout Germany
Experience and expertise in digital infrastructure
Unsere Grüne Glasfaser (UGG) is a German company headquartered in the Bavarian town of Ismaning. Founded in 2020 as a joint venture between Allianz and Telefónica Group, it seeks to provide access to full fibre infrastructure throughout Germany.
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Our mission is to improve people’s quality of life and foster an innovation-led future by implementing nationwide fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks. We aim to support communities that have been left in the digital slow lane by harnessing cutting-edge, environmentally friendly fibre-optic technology, which consumes 60 percent less energy than conventional copper wires.
Allianz is one of the world’s largest financial services companies. As a long-term investor in UGG, it offers a wealth of experience gained from numerous fibre-optic technology investments. It also provides significant financial backing and expertise and a strong local presence.
Telefónica is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies. Drawing on its extensive technical capabilities and know-how in the deployment and operation of fibre networks, it has completed numerous successful projects in many different countries.
We stand for:
Das UGG-Management
Together, our management team has decades of combined expertise in fibre broadband rollouts and the telecommunications sector. Click on their profiles below to find out more!
Jens Prautzsch
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
“Durch den Glasfaserausbau stärken wir die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Wachstumsfähigkeit für digital unterversorgte ländlich geprägte Gebiete.”
Jörn Schoof
CCO (Chief Commercial Officer)
“Perfektes Teamwork, Motivation, der richtige Spirit und Know-how – unser Weg um 2,2 Millionen Haushalte an unser leistungsfähiges Glasfasernetz anzuschließen.”
Frank Krause
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
“Bei unserem Engagement geht es um langfristig ausgelegte Investitionsentscheidungen, mit denen wir 2,2 Millionen Haushalten den Zugang zu der Breitband-Zukunftstechnologie (Glasfaser) ermöglichen werden. Zudem bieten wir unseren Investoren damit eine sichere und gute Kapitalanlage.”
Eduardo de Santos
CTIO (Chief Technology & Information Officer)
“Die Glasfasertechnologie ist der eigentliche Motor der Digitalisierung. Mit der UGG tragen wir dazu bei, dass jeder Zugang zu einer zukunftssicheren Technologie hat, die unser Leben und unsere Gesellschaft stetig verbessert.”
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